Homer Sounds

File Description Size
911.wav ..get me the number for 9-1-1 24K
aah.wav Aahhhh! 6k
alla.wav Homer singing "Alla wetta" 25k
ayeaye.wav Aye-Aye captain 18k
baloney.wav My baloney has a first name... 68k
bee.wav ...the bee bit my bottom, now my bottoms big. 31k
beer.wav Ummm, beer 17k
blubber.wav Woohoo, look at that blubber fly. 28k
boobs.wav Boobies 14k
boy.wav Shut up boy! 17k
brian.wav Shut up brain else I'll stab you with a cue tip. 15k
canigo.wav ...can I go now? 227k
cantdrive.wav You can't drive... 77k
cola.wav Mmm invisible cola 64k
collus.wav I paid for a colossal donut... 53k
dance.wav Oh my God, Oh my God... 159k
dish11.wav Only five, wait, ten dollars... 43k
doh.wav Doh 28k
doh2.wav Doh 4k
doh3.wav Doh 4k
donuts.wav Donuts...is there anything... 37k
fat_man.wav All my live I've been... 41k
Flntstn.wav Re-run of The Flintsones theme tune (worth a listen!) 187k
freeduf.wav ...free duff 88k
frontal.wav Is there any frontal nudity? 10k
fruit.wav Heh we know this guy... 281k
godboy.wav ...godboy couldn't get a strike 35k
happy.wav I'm making people happy! 22k
hbeer Mmmm beer! 15k
help.wav Help me! 9k
hehe.wav Heh, Heh 10k
hollar.wav ...the Homer broadcasting system is on the air... 64k
homerdrool.wav Homer Drooling 17k
homergoesoff.wav ...they ruined all our best names, like Bruce and Lance and... 539k
hmmforbdn.wav Mmmm forbiden donut 12k
hmrcokie.wav Homer drooling over a big cookie! 34k
hmrsugar.wav America. First you get the sugar... 95k
joker.wav Homer singing space cowboy 227k
jump.wav jump Free Willy... 18k
killbrain.wav ...I don't like you... 83k
law.wav In this house we... 37k
loudcl.wav I hear ya loud and clear... 12k
mchocola.wav Mmm Chocolate 21k
nacho.wav Nacho, Nacho Man... 63k
nerd.wav Well, if it isn't the teacher of the... 73k
newmex.wav Hey, there's a New Mexico! 8k
ohmygod.wav Oh, my God! 14k
pants.wav I wore my extra loose pants for nothing... 28k
pudding.wav My pudding is trapped forever! 42k
puff.wav That dog has a puffy tail... 95k
slacker.wav ...I'm really more of a slacker 42k
spainsong.wav The Spainish Flea song. 135k
suckiest.wav ...yeah Moe, that team did sure suck last night... 92k
swtcrp.wav Sweet Mericiful crap. 14k
tend.wav ...I've been tenderized! 70k
woohoo.wav Woohoo 8k
yellowbu.wav Kiss my hairy yellow butt. 16k
yes.wav YeeeSss 24k